Two factors make now an excellent time for you to sell your home. First, rising prices mean you’ll get the highest profit on your real estate Second, lower interest rates mean more buyers will be able to afford your property. If you want your house to sell more quickly and for a higher price, stage it to look like a model home using the following guidelines.

De-clutter – Remove pet bowls, children’s toys, personal artwork, quirky collections, and large pieces of furniture from your interior. If needed, hire a storage locker in which to keep your things temporarily. The less stuff that your rooms have in them, then the more spacious they’ll seem to potential buyers.

Repair – The dripping faucet that you’ve gotten used to or the crack in the wall that you don’t notice any more will signal problems to buyers. They’ll overestimate the cost of repair and reduce their offering price to cover it. In addition, they’ll also wonder what other problems lurk in the unseen corners of your home. Make any minor repairs yourself. Leave major problems to professionals.

Clean – Cleaner space seem newer, bigger, and more attractive to potential buyers. You need to take care of the visible surfaces, like the floor and windows, but also the hidden ones, such as on top of picture frames and behind armoires, because buyers like to look there.

The quickest, most convenient, and most effective way to get your house looking spic-and-span is to hire a cleaning service. We can come in right before the open house, and then periodically after that to keep your property looking model-home fresh.